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Postpartum Depression: EFT for New Parents with Depression

Picture of Sadaf Akhtar.,PhD

Sadaf Akhtar.,PhD

Mental wellbeing specialist at WellQo

Postpartum Depression: EFT for New Parents with Depression

Evidence shows that a significant number of new parents experience postpartum depression and anxiety, which occurs in the first few months following childbirth.  Symptoms of this common mental health difficulty may take the form of some or all of the following: tearfulness, chronic worry, irritability, restlessness, fear, fatigue, melancholy, difficulty bonding with child, as well as eating problems, sleep difficulties, feeling inadequate, and suicidal thoughts (Holopainen, 2019.,Viscera et al, 2016). 

Addressing symptoms of depression and anxiety is vital, not just to improve parental mental health, but also to prevent children from encountering any difficulties.  For instance, studies suggest that depression is a leading cause of physical illness and disability among adults, moreover, there is an association between parental mental distress and hyperactivity, emotional distress, behavioural problems, physical health difficulties, cognitive impairment, and separation anxiety among children.  

How can EFT help treat depression and anxiety?

EFT is an acronym for Emotional Freedom Techniques, an evidence-based method founded by Gary Craig, that draws on cognitive therapy, exposure therapy, counselling, and tapping of acupuncture points, to help improve wellbeing.  Scientific trials have shown EFT to be effective for treating diverse ailments, including depression and anxiety disorders.  

How does EFT work?  

There are over 30 Emotional Freedom Techniques designed to alleviate negative thoughts, emotions, behaviours and enhance mental wellbeing.  Which techniques are applied in session is very much dependent on each individuals presenting state.  For example, the level of general and specific stress experienced, the nature of the symptoms, the number of physical and mental health conditions, and the intensity of symptoms, all may vary from person to person.  Therefore, one or more techniques may be applied depending on each individuals current health status.  Nevertheless, in addition to these 30+ sub-modalities of EFT, there are some core components of EFT that are applied in most cases: 

  1. Exploring what the difficulty is and how it impacts daily life.   
  2. Identifying specific aspects of the problem, including specific events, negative thoughts, memories, emotions,  and body sensations.  
  3. Assessing the level of distress experienced, current and post EFT application.  
  4. Tapping a specific point on the hand, whilst acknowledging the problem and expressing self-compassion.  
  5. Awareness of the negative cognition, emotion, or sensation, whilst simultaneously applying a specific tapping algorithm to the upper body.  
  6. Applying another specific tapping algorithm to the hand and adding bilateral stimulation.  
  7. Re-assessing the subjective unit of disturbance, and re-applying the algorithms until the problem is resolved, or significantly less. 

These seven steps are some of the core components of EFT.  In addition to this, some other strategies for transforming mental health include: addressing unconscious rewards; installing positive cognitions; mindfulness; the movie technique; the tearless trauma strategy; tell the story technique; chasing the pain, and the floor to ceiling eye role.  

In sum, EFT incorporates a variety of tools that can assist people to overcome negative thoughts, emotions, and behaviours, and develop positive mental health.  It is scientifically proven to effectively treat PTSD, depression, anxiety, chronic pain and many other types of ailments.  

Remember, experiencing depression or anxiety and struggling to look after your child does not mean you're a bad parent. What is important however is that you get support.  EFT is one method of treatment however there are many other effective modalities too.  

If you’d like to learn more about EFT, or to discuss treatment and support options you can book a free consultation here.   

Wishing you all the best.



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