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What is Self-Confidence?

Picture of Sadaf Akhtar.,PhD

Sadaf Akhtar.,PhD

Mental wellbeing specialist at WellQo

What is Self-Confidence?

Self-confidence has been defined as having the belief in one’s ability to succeed in a chosen course of action or general goal.  It also involves the belief in one’s ability to overcome challenging situations in order to learn or accomplish tasks that are necessary to achieve a set goal (Gallardo, 2000).

For example, you decide you want to heal your depression and you feel certain in your capability to accomplish this (general) goal.  However, you don’t yet have the knowledge and skills required to beat depression; despite this, you have complete faith in your ability to learn and acquire the necessary skills or information (e.g. research about depression; develop self-compassion; engage in physical activity, learn other self-care strategies, reduce negative self-talk, seek professional support, etc)  to achieve this goal.  Thus, your belief in your ability to heal yourself, combined with continued confidence that you can succeed when faced with challenge, is self-confidence. 

Having self-confidence is essential when tackling daily tasks as it’s our belief that we can get a job promotion; get good exam grades; try new things, or heal from illness that provides the necessary motivation to succeed.  Studies have shown that self-confidence is a key predictor of improved performance, as well as greater levels of resilience, mental health and general wellbeing.  

If you lack self-confidence you may avoid attempting tasks altogether due to a fear of failure, or be so consumed with negative self-talk that it makes accomplishing a desired goal feel like a mountain climb.  Moreover, at the first sign of a challenge, you may succumb and give up.  The latter may then result in a plethora of  negative core beliefs that may surface when setting a new goal, thus resulting in a self-fulfilling prophecy, with the end result being depression.  

However, the good news is that it’s possible to learn to be self-confident; you can transform negative thoughts and emotions so you believe in yourself more, are able to overcome setbacks, are more effective in what you do, and experience positive mental health.  

I hope you found this article useful.  To learn more about self-confidence or to discuss treatment and support options get in touch to book a free consultation.  

Take care



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