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Tips to Resolve Anxiety & Depression

Picture of Sadaf Akhtar.,PhD

Sadaf Akhtar.,PhD

Mental wellbeing specialist at WellQo

Anxiety & Depression: Tips to Resolve Anxiety & Depression

Common mental health problems (CMPs), such as depression and anxiety, are a global public health issue, and considered to be a key determinant of disability and dis-ease (WHO). It is estimated that for the year 2017, approximately 18 million adults suffered from anxiety and depression in the UK.  Latest figures from the ONS suggest that these numbers may have doubled for early 2021.  Unfortunately, many people still do not report experiencing mental health problems, and the vast majority of people that experience anxiety and depression don’t receive any mental health care.  However, anxiety and depression are curable, and there are many effective strategies that can help people beat anxiety and depression for good.

When deciding on the best course of treatment it’s necessary to consider individual factors, and this includes the types of symptoms experienced, their severity, and duration experienced.  Having said that, following, i’ve listed a variety of proven techniques to alleviate anxiety and depression.  For best results try applying all of the strategies if possible.  Bear in mind that in the case of chronic severe symptoms it is necessary to seek professional care in the first instance, and then you may incorporate the other strategies into your daily routine.  Remember, evidence shows that to resolve mental health problems completely it is necessary to apply techniques until all chronic symptoms have healed.  Therefore, commitment and persistence to heal are also required to guarantee success.  

1. Professional Therapy 

Personalised therapy is the most effective way to successfully resolve anxiety and depression.  Firstly, you’ll be able to share your difficulties with someone that is strongly supportive, non-judgmental and maintains your confidentiality.  Secondly, the therapist will likely apply a variety of treatment modalities to help you transform chronic negative thoughts, emotions and behaviours, as well as to help you to enhance your overall happiness and wellbeing.  Remember, there are many different types of therapies, and therapists often only apply mono methods such as Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) or Counselling.  Therefore, if one approach doesn’t work then keep trying different therapies; or even better, work with someone that is skilled at applying multiple treatment modalities.  

2.  Study anxiety & depression

Take your time to research the symptoms of anxiety and depression and ways to treat them.  Whilst not a formal clinical diagnosis, the following free assessments will indicate whether you may be experiencing mental health difficulties.  Click here.  Further details about symptoms, types, and treatments for anxiety and depression are also presented in the following videos: Anxiety, Depression.    

3.  Do something you enjoy. 

Most CBT interventions incorporate behavioural activation as a key component of the therapy process to treat depression.  This is because it has been systematically proven that engaging in daily positive activities substantially reduces depressive symptoms.    This is also true for anxiety.  However, for this method to work effectively it’s necessary to engage in such activities on a regular basis otherwise it will have little effect. Remember, you wouldn’t take a pill a few times to reduce mental distress and expect it to work.  

For further details on the types of activities you can engage in visit the following webpage: CCI  

4.  Fast paced exercise.

I’ve included this separately because it’s not something people always enjoy doing.  However, regular exercise is reported to be more effective than taking antidepressant medication.  Moreover, research suggests that exercise can alleviate symptoms of anxiety as it stops you worrying about a stressor, alleviates tension in the body, increases serotonin and builds resilience.  

If you’re not accustomed to exercising, then start with a brisk walk outdoors, then set yourself a goal of gradually increasing the level of challenge.  

5.  Maintain a healthy diet.

What you eat can influence how you feel as well as how well your body can heal from illness.  Eating high fat junk or sugary foods can deplete energy, which can exacerbate depressive and stress symptoms.  Studies have also shown that people suffering from depression often tend to be low on nutrients such B3, B5, B6, B12, folic acid and magnesium; all of which are required for energy production and brain function.  Therefore, it’s worth visiting a nutritional therapist to conduct a nutrition assessment so you know which foods may assist with improving your mood and overall physical wellbeing.   

Also, remember to refrain from taking any intoxicants such as drugs or alcohol as these will significantly worsen your symptoms of anxiety and depression.  

The aforementioned strategies are not an exhaustive list of techniques; however if you would like further advice and guidance, or to discuss treatment and support options, then feel free to send me a message.

Wishing you the best of health.  



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